ICEFALL by Matthew Kirby

A.R. Book Level:  4.3
A.R. Points:  10.0
Pages:  325

This book was long but enjoyable.  It was also rather grim and gritty and sometimes morbid, but for students who like a long, complicated, epic tale with lots of suspense, this is a good choice.  Solveig is a princess from a viking-style nation who is sent away to a frozen fortress with her older sister and her younger brother, the heir to her father's kingdom, to stay safe while her father is at war.  While she is learning to be a skald--a storyteller (there was no such thing as Nintendo DS for entertainment back then)--Solveig is also haunted by disturbing dreams that predict the death and destruction of everyone at the fortress.  As parts of her dream are starting to come true, it also becomes obvious that one person at the fortress is a traitor who is trying to kill off the warriors and friends sent to protect the royal siblings.  Part mystery, part adventure, this story, though long, is really compelling.