THE LIGHTNING THIEF, novel by Rick Riordan, graphic novel by Robert Venditti

A.R. Book Level: 4.7
A.R. Points: 13.0
Pages: 377

A.R. Book Level: 3.1
A.R. Points: 1.0

I just LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the entire series that starts with this story!  Percy Jackson is a middle school kid who always seems to be getting into trouble and out of schools (as in “kicked out”).  Things finally start to make sense when he ends up at a training camp for demigods (half-human, half-gods), but things start to get dangerous when he’s accused of stealing from a god—a crime he didn’t commit!  Readers who are up for tackling 377 pages of fantasy adventure need to pick up Rick Riordan’s novel.  Readers who want a quicker, more reasonable read should try Robert Venditti’s graphic novel version.  It’s actually a really good rendition of the original story.